These are the resources containing information such as dates of publishing, descriptions, and links to more information as well as country / jurisdiction data about the initiatives from civil society, ngos, academia and initiatives from the private sector.


Beyond SB 657: How Businesses Can Meet and Exceed California’s Requirements to Prevent Forced Labor in Supply Chains

Clean Clothes Campaign

Clear Wave: transparency business-labelling initiative

Compliance Report Update: Cal-Comp Electronics, Thailand

Compliance Report: Foxconn in Pardubice, Czech Republic

Public Procurement and Human Rights Due Diligence to Achieve Respect for Labour Rights Standards in Electronics Factories: A Case Study of the Swedish County Councils and the Dell Computer Corporation

Corporate approaches to tackling modern slavery

Corporate Compliance with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010

Database & Analysis of Company Reporting

UN Guiding Principles Assurance Guidance

UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework with implementation guidance

Enable Training toolkit on addressing child labor and forced labor in agricultural supply chains

Engaging the private sector to end human trafficking. A resource guide for NGOs

Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code

Fair Hiring Toolkit

Forced Labour Risk Determination and Mitigation

Guide for the protection and promotion of human rights in public contracting

Guide to buying responsibly

Guidelines for the Evaluation of Workers’ Human Rights and Labour Standards

Inclusive Labour Monitoring System

IRMA Responsible Mining Certification


Legal Case Map

Model Sweatfree Procurement Policy

Modern Slavery Registry

Practical Guide for Socially Responsible ICT-Procurement

Products of Slavery

Purchasers Guide for Addressing Labor and Human Rights Impacts in IT Procurements

Responsible Mica Initiative 2018 Report

United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act Research

Worker-driven Social Responsibility Network


Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) Best Practice Guidance

Supply Chain Sustainability Procurement Guidance – How to embed best practice in your procurement when combating modern slavery

The Environmental Justice Foundation’s Charter for Transparency

The Responsible and Ethical Private Sector Coalition against Trafficking (RESPECT)

The Sancroft-Tussell Report: Eliminating Modern Slavery in Public Procurement

VF Traceability initiative