Name of Resource | Guidelines for Municipalities - Stepping Up Local Action Against Human Trafficking |
Type | Guidance on policy / legislation implementation |
Country / jurisdiction | Baltic Sea States region |
Organization | Baltic Sea States region |
Initiative launch date | December 2015 |
Description | The general aim of the guidelines is to provide local actors with the knowledge and right tools to strengthen their role in the work against human trafficking and increase the effectiveness of the anti-trafficking actions by ensuring proper and timely victim identification, adequate and sustainable assistance and protection. The specific goals of the guidelines are to: Promote victims’ rights; Improve awareness of human trafficking among local actors; Highlight some of the promising practices that have been developed in the region and beyond where municipalities and/or local authorities play a prominent role in addressing trafficking and protecting victims; Involve local actors in combating human trafficking at the local level by addressing common challenges and providing specific action points to overcome the problems and to improve the counter trafficking measures. |
Availability | ENG: |
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