Name of Resource | Council Conclusions on Business and Human Rights |
Type | Policy |
Country / jurisdiction | European Union |
Organization | Council of the European Union |
Initiative launch date | 20 June 2016 |
Description | The Council adopted conclusions on business and human rights on the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the main comprehensive framework providing the international community with the tools to address human rights violations by businesses. Through the Conclusions, the Council reaffirmed the EU’s strong and active engagement to prevent abuses and ensure remedy worldwide, and to ensure the UNGPs' implementation. The Council encouraged EU Institutions and Member States to address their responsibilities as commercial actors (e.g. in public procurement) and when supporting or partnering with businesses (e.g. through export credit, trade promotion, or subsidies for the private sector). The Council called on the Commission to consider what support can be provided to public authorities covered by the revised EU Procurement Directives, through tools and guidance for the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles, the OECD Guidelines and the ILO Tripartite Declaration. |
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