Name of Resource | Child Labour Due Diligence Law |
Type | Legislation |
Country / jurisdiction | Netherlands |
Enacting authority | Parliament of the Netherlands |
Entry into force / date of approval | 13 November 2019 |
Description | The law requires Dutch companies or companies that sell products on the Dutch market to examine whether child labour occurs in their production chain (due diligence). If that is the case they should develop a plan of action to combat child labour and draw up a declaration about their investigation and plan of action. That statement will be recorded in a public register by a yet to be designated public authority. The Dutch Parliament and the Dutch Senate have approved the law. However, specific aspects of the law have to be worked out in more detail in lower level regulation. The Act will enter into application after the adoption of this regulation, this is not expected to happen before the end of 2021. |
Availability | ENG: https://www.government.nl/documents/publications/2017/02/07/child-labour-duty-of-care |