OSCE Communities

OSCE Communities are online collaboration spaces developed by the OSCE in support of the activities aimed at the implementation of its comprehensive concept of security.  

Most spaces are open only to registered users. The following are public spaces.

OSCEUserSpaces = {
    storeKey: "osce-user-spaces"
    , rootNode: "#main-content div:nth-child(1) div:nth-child(1)" 
    , webServiceUrl : "https://communities.osce.org/rest/api/space?expand=icon"
    , init() {
        const cached = localStorage.getItem( this.storeKey );
        cached && this.draw( JSON.parse( cached ));
    , async read() {
        let response = await fetch(this.webServiceUrl);
        let data = await response.text();
        if( data ) {
                this.draw( JSON.parse( data ) );
                localStorage.setItem( this.storeKey, data );
            catch(e) {
    , draw( result ) {
        const spaces = result.results.filter( space => ( space.type == 'global' && ! ["WTOC","OBWS","CTHBSOURCE"].includes( space.key ) ) );
        const root = document.querySelector( this.rootNode );
        const main = document.createElement( "div");
        const oldNode = document.getElementById( this.storeKey);
        oldNode && oldNode.remove();
        main.id = this.storeKey;
        html = `
            <section spaces>
                <main spaces>
                    <div header>Your Communities</div>
        if( spaces.length > 0) {
            spaces.forEach( space => {
                html += `
                    <a href="https://communities.osce.org/display/${space.key}" class="grow-on-hover">
                        <div space>
                            <img src="https://communities.osce.org${space.icon.path}" />
                            <div name>${space.name}</div>
        else {
                html += `
                    <a href="https://communities.osce.org/login.action" class="grow-on-hover">
                        <div space>
                            <div filler></div>
                            <div name>Login to access your communities</div>

        html += `
        main.innerHTML = html;
        root.appendChild( main );