Name of Resource

1. UN Global Compact - Supply Chain Sustainability - Guide to Traceability


Guidance on policy / legislation implementation

Country / jurisdiction



United Nations Global Compact, BSR

Initiative launch date

April 2014


The purpose of the guide is to provide an overview of the importance of traceability for sustainability purposes, outline the global opportunities and challenges it represents and summarize practical steps for implementing traceability programmes within companies.

The guide is primarily aimed at supply chains, procurement, sourcing and sustainability professionals who seek to improve the sustainability of their companies’ supply chains, and who are considering traceability. Individuals already engaged in traceability in some way and those who are new to the topic will gain value from this guide.

This guide is divided into three sections: In Part 1, the guide defines traceability and explores its history, benefits and challenges, including an overview of current collaborative schemes on traceability; In Part 2, the guide demonstrates a model for best practice in traceability, and provides an overview of the different models of traceability and the global initiatives operating in the arena; In Part 3, the guide provides guidance to companies around the world, large and small, on how to effectively engage in traceability.




Name of Resource

2. Supply Chain Sustainability - A Practical Guide for Continuous Improvement, Second Edition


Guidance on policy / legislation implementation

Country / jurisdiction



United Nations Global Compact, BSR

Initiative launch date

June 2015


This second edition of Supply Chain Sustainability: A Practical Guide to Continuous Improvement is aimed at reflecting the new and emerging trends in this area since its original launch in 2010 as well as ensuring the inclusion of and alignment with relevant standards and initiatives. Featuring numerous updated and new examples of good corporate practice, the guide remains a valuable tool to provide companies with practical guidance on how to develop a sustainable supply chain programme based on the values and principles of the UN Global Compact and assists businesses in setting priorities for action that will lead to continuous performance improvement.

The guide is intended to help companies of all sizes, both those who are new to and those experienced in supply chain sustainability, to apply the UN Global Compact Ten Principles throughout their supply chains and to integrate sustainability into their business strategies. It is designed for individuals with oversight of and input on corporate sustainability, procurement and supply chain priorities and practices. Case studies and examples throughout the guide provide an overview of how companies have implemented supply chain sustainability programmes.
