Name of Resource

ISO 20400: 2017 Sustainable procurement Guidance


Standard, Guidance on policy / legislation implementation

Country / jurisdiction



International Organization for Standardization

Initiative launch date

April 2017


The document provides guidance to organizations, independent of their activity or size, on integrating sustainability within procurement, as described in ISO 26000. It is intended for stakeholders involved in, or impacted by, procurement decisions and processes.

The document assists organizations in meeting their sustainability responsibilities by providing an understanding of: What sustainable procurement is; What the sustainability impacts and considerations are across the different aspects of procurement activity; How to implement sustainable procurement.

The document is applicable to any organization, public or private, regardless of its size and location. It is intended to be understood by any stakeholder involved in, or impacted by, procurement decisions and processes. The implementation of the document takes into account the particular context and characteristics of each organization, scaling the application of the concepts to suit the size of the organization. The adoption of this document by large organizations promotes opportunities for small and medium-sized organizations in their supply chains.
