Name of Resource

43. The Fair Food Program / Fair Food Code of Conduct


Policy, Platform for co-operation/advocacy, Monitoring / Enforcement mechanism

Country / jurisdiction

United States of America


Coalition of Immokalee Workers

Date of publishing



The Fair Food Program emerged from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Campaign for Fair Food, a campaign to affirm the human rights of tomato workers and improve the conditions under which they labour. The work of the Fair Food Standards Council has produced a replicable, scalable model for expansion of the Fair Food Program beyond the Florida tomato industry.

The Fair Food Program consists of several major elements, including: a wage increase supported by the “penny per pound” price premium participating buyers pay for their tomatoes; compliance with the human rights-based Code of Conduct, including zero tolerance for forced labour and sexual assault; worker-to-worker education sessions conducted by the CIW on the farms and on company time to insure workers understand their new rights and responsibilities; a worker-triggered complaint resolution mechanism leading to complaint investigation, corrective action plans, and, if necessary, suspension of a farm’s participating grower status.
