Name of Resource

31. Purchasers Guide for Addressing Labor and Human Rights Impacts in IT Procurements


Guidance on policy / legislation implementation

Country / jurisdiction



Green Electronics Council

Date of publishing



The Guide was created in order to provide institutional purchasers with guidance to assist them in procuring IT products from companies that are improving the social responsibility of their supply chains.

The labour and human rights impacts addressed by this guide are not unique to the IT sector and there are many labour and human rights related industry initiatives, standards and regulatory requirements. The Guide does not seek to be an exhaustive source of these, nor does it claim to address all negative labour and human rights impacts found within the many tiers of a supply chain. Instead, the Guide is focused on purchasers and providing them both procurement questions and examples of supplier supporting documentation so that they can leverage their purchasing power to address pressing labour and human rights impacts while also meeting their goal of a successful procurement.
