Name of Resource

111. United Kingdom Public Sector - CIPS Ethical Procurement and Supply (2019) E-learning


Capacity Building

Country / jurisdiction

United Kingdom


Chartered Institute for Procurement and Supply (CIPS)

Date of publishing



The CIPS e-learning on Ethical Procurement and Supply provides introductory training on human trafficking and other ethical procurement issues. The training is currently free for CIPS members. The course explores: corruption, fraud, bribery and exploitation; what they are and how they can be eradicated; human rights and forced labour in supply chains; the implications, the risks and how to eradicate, content provided by the Walk Free Foundation; individual moral and social conscience when it comes to ethics and transparency in procurement; impact on the environment; how unmanaged and poor practices can impact the environment, the risks for the procurement organization and how procurement can drive through more positive behaviours.
