This page contains:

  • best practices on how to work effectively within your community and

  • recommendations on how to communicate with community members.

A step-by-step video guide to getting started. Click on the below ↓

<iframe src="" width="720" height="400" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  1. Check and update your profile.

  2. Add a profile photo to represent you in a remote work environment.

  3. Set up desired email notification settings - later on, you can adjust them to your working style.

  4. During your first login, go to the Spaces directory and select the space that you were invited to join.

  5. ← Explore the navigation links in the panel on the left to get familiar with space's organization and structure.

The software powering OSCE Communities is Confluence. The following are guides to using Confluence:

  1. What is collaborative writing? 

  2. How to edit an existing page

  3. How to increase collaboration and engagement

  4. Watch video tutorials