
Name of Resource

National Action Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings for 2016 – 2018



Country / jurisdiction


Enacting authority

Council of Ministers of Poland

Entry into force / date of approval

17 August 2016


The main objective of the National Action Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings for 2016–2018 is to provide safeguards for effective THB countering in Poland and support of its victims. In this regard, particular objectives are the following: THB awareness-raising; Improvement of standards relating to support of THB victims (including minor victims); Raising of effectiveness of the institutions responsible for THB pursue through improvement legal tools/remedies, structures and adoption of the best practices; Development of skills/qualifications of representatives of the institutions and organisations involved in THB countering and support of its victims; Spreading of knowledge on THB as well as on the effectiveness of actions undertaken; Enhancing international co-operation.


ENG: http://kcik.pl/en/doc/NAP_2016-18_en.pdf 
POL: http://www.handelludzmi.eu/hl/baza-wiedzy/krajowy-plan-dzialan/6875,Krajowy-Plan-Dzialan-przeciwko-Handlowi-Ludzmi-na-lata-2016-2018.html


Name of Resource

Polish National Action Plan for the Implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights 2017 – 2020



Country / jurisdiction


Enacting authority

Council of Ministers of Poland

Entry into force / date of approval

29 May 2017


The National Action Plan was created on the basis of the three pillars included in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The National Action Plan primarily aims to enhance the protection of human rights of individuals and to enable them to seek justice when their rights are violated by business. By describing the government’s actions to promote corporate social responsibility, as well as referring to strategic documents in this area, the National Action Plan demonstrates a deliberate state policy of supporting businesses while stressing the need for human rights

The Polish National Action Plan makes reference to supply chains in the sections on responsible business conduct and human rights with regards to OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, dialogues and exchange of knowledge and experience in implementing corporate social responsibility and in the section devoted to education.


ENG: https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Business/NationalPlans/PolandNationalPland_BHR.pdf
POL: https://www.gov.pl/attachment/f267a1ad-ef85-449a-b86a-ccd43305e931


Name of Resource

National Action Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings for 2019–2021



Country / jurisdiction


Enacting authority

Council of Ministers of Poland

Entry into force / date of approval

In progress


The National Action Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings is the main document concerning the system of preventing and combating trafficking in human beings in Poland. The National Action Plan is a governmental document adopted by the Council of Ministers, obliging its addressees to perform specified tasks for the purpose of combating trafficking in human beings. The NAP addressees are individual central administration units and other institutions and non-governmental organisations involved voluntarily in activities against trafficking in human beings in Poland. One of the most important implementation tasks included in the new NAP is effective elimination of forced labour. The task remains crucial, there is a need to determine an effective countering THB system, as well as a widespread society awareness-raising on the dangers of abusing persons to THB. In the NAP, an important concern is the development of qualifications and competencies of all system participants/stakeholders who are relevant and responsible for THB identification, protection and support for its victims.


Name of Resource

A guide for enterprises on prevention of forced labour - study in preparation


A guide on enterprise

Country / jurisdiction


Enacting authority

Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy

Entry into force / date of approval

To be published in the I quarter of 2020


Publication devoted to the problem of forced labour under development by the interdisciplinary working group of the Advisory Board on Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility an auxiliary body to the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy. The guide is a joint work of public administration experts, representatives of non-governmental organizations, scientists, trade unions as well as companies. This guide, addressed to companies, is helpful in preventing, detecting and responding to possible cases of forced labor, while also helping the victims themselves. It raises awareness of the risk of forced labour, especially when the company uses external forms of employment and in supply chains, while providing with practical tools to combat this crime: information leaflets, employee surveys, checklists when entering into cooperation with temporary work agencies or subcontractors, information on methods of verification and audits as well as recommendation on further steps if real risk of forced labour is identified.


POL: https://www.gov.pl/web/fundusze-regiony/grupa-robocza-ds-relacji-z-osobami-swiadczacymi-prace 
ENG, RUS, UKR leaflets will be available at a later date.

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